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segunda-feira, janeiro 21, 2013

Quando o amor...

"Quando encontrar alguém e esse alguém fizer seu coração parar de funcionar por alguns segundos, preste atenção: pode ser a pessoa mais importante da sua vida.
Se os olhares se cruzarem e, neste momento,houver o mesmo brilho intenso entre eles, fique alerta: pode ser a pessoa que você está esperando desde o dia em que nasceu.
Se o toque dos lábios for intenso, se o beijo for apaixonante, e os olhos se encherem d’água neste momento, perceba: existe algo mágico entre vocês.
Se o primeiro e o último pensamento do seu dia for essa pessoa, se a vontade de ficar juntos chegar a apertar o coração, agradeça: Deus te mandou um presente: O Amor.

Por isso, preste atenção nos sinais - não deixe que as loucuras do dia-a-dia o deixem cego para a melhor coisa da vida: O AMOR."

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Tenho aprendido a admirar este Carlos Drummond de Andrade, que nunca vi, não sei quem é, mas adoro ler... não tenho nada a acrescentar, só peço que estejam atentos porque a vida nem sempre é tão simples, ou tão complexa que não se possa viver... e depois, nunca devemos dizer que será a ultima vez, porque a cada dia temos novas oportunidades de falhar e de acertar... a ultima vez desde a ultima... muahahaha!

Let Love Rule!

Convosco, Jason Mraz com o tema lindíssimo, super bem escrito e com tanta emoção que parece que é para quem o ouve... e talvez seja... God Rests in Reason e diria o André Roque: "Top dos Tops!"

God Rests In Reason

You were born together
And together ye shall be forever
Until death could scatter
Shouldn't matter in the memory of God above
Let the wind of heaven dance between you too
Allowing time and space to bring you closer to everlasting love
So what should you do if god moves through you

When love beckons
Its ways are often hard and steep
And his wings unfold
Ye yield to all that it speaks
Though a sword it might be hidden there among the pinions
Oh you may wear a wound that truly spoke to you
Believe in all that voice and follow through
So what should you do when god moves through you

Love possesses nothing
Nor would it ever be possessed
Love is love sufficient unto love
And you can figure out the rest

God rests in reason
So what should you do, oh oh
When God moves through you

Well your children will not be your children
Maybe the daughter, the son of a beginning
They'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
They will be with you, but they do not belong to you
You can give them your love but not your thoughts

Cause they'll arrive with their own hearts
They're the coming of angels this blessed season
And then they'll sing oh yea god rests in reason
God rests in reason
So what should you do
When God moves through you

And think not you can direct the course of
Love itself directs the course of love
Believe not God is in your heart, child
But rather you're in the heart of God

So you see so far I'm all right
Pleasant and awkwardly polite
Watching carefully the comedy
The tick tock moments of the grid lock day
And why I'm singing
About the fact that I'm giving up everything
And giving back to the people that made me want to change
My evil, lazy ways
I'm gonna give you one more phrase to explain

See I believe in only one thing
I believe in good orderly d-i-r-e-c-t-i-o-n
I'll spell it again, roll it with abbreviation
Easy as a 1,2,3
Spell it backwards it's a d-o-g
Cause it's a dog eat dog world
What a life girl, maybe you should make you my wife girl
And I believe in omni possibility

It's nothing more than good orderly direction
Nothing more than good orderly direction
Nothing more than good orderly direction
This is nothing more than good orderly direction
So what should you do when god moves through you
What should you do when god moves
Through you

1 comentário:

Hugo Nofx disse...

ahah. É fixe, ler-te.

beijo para ti.